New Hampshire Soccer Association
New Hampshire Soccer Association
NH Soccer Association
1.1 NAME
This Association shall be known as the New Hampshire Soccer Association Youth and Adult Division, a nonprofit corporation hereafter referred to as NHSA or the State Association.
The New Hampshire Soccer Association mission is to provide opportunities for participants to develop to the
highest skill level of the individual’s ability; to provide through programs and activities education for coaches,
players, referees, parents, and administrators; to promote and stimulate interest in the game of soccer.
To promote the game of soccer and to provide for the following:
– organized soccer activity in the State of New Hampshire
– an environment that emphasizes the ideals of good sportsmanship and fair play, and the
importance of development of both individual and team skills for players, coaches and
– an opportunity for players, coaches, and officials to expand their participation to regional,
national and Olympic levels of competition
– goodwill through physical fitness
This Association shall be an affiliate of and comply with the United States Soccer Federation, United
States Youth Soccer, United States Adult Soccer Association, and the United States Futsal Federation.
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a. The USSF articles of incorporation, bylaws, policies and requirements take precedence over
and supersede the governing documents and decisions of the NHSA and its members to the
extent applicable under state law, and NHSA will abide by those articles, bylaws, policies and
requirements of USSF.
b. The NHSA will not join any organization that has requirements that conflict with the
Federation’s articles, bylaws, policies and requirements.
NHSA and its members shall not discriminate against the participation of players or teams on the basis
of that player or team’s membership in, or affiliation with, another organization. Members are
encouraged to allow teams of all other USSF members to participate in tournaments sponsored by
NHSA or any of its members when the teams otherwise comply with the tournament eligibility
requirements. A tournament sponsor may charge each team an additional fee of not more than $25 to
participate in the tournament.
The New Hampshire Soccer Association and its members are committed to a policy of equal opportunity for
its players, coaches and referees and prohibits discrimination or harassment against any individual on the basis
of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin or disability.
4.1 Its Articles of Agreement, Bylaws and Rules shall govern NHSA so long as they are consistent with those
4.2 The governing authority of NHSA shall be vested in a Board of Directors to be known as an Executive
Board whose power and authority shall be designated in the By laws.
4.2 The New Hampshire Soccer Association shall have an Executive Board
a. selected through an open and democratic process, which will have the following structure:
Executive Vice President
Youth Recreation Vice President
Youth Competitive Vice President
Adult Vice President
Indoor Vice President
Past President
b. Divisions
The New Hampshire Soccer Association includes the following divisions for the play of
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soccer: – Youth Competitive – Youth Recreational -Adult – Indoor – Futsal
All Divisions shall comply with the authority of the New Hampshire Soccer Association.
c. These shall be the only Articles of Agreement for the above-mentioned divisions. Each
Division can have its own Bylaws or Organizational Rules for areas not covered in the
Association Bylaws. All Division Bylaws are subject to approval of the Association
Executive Committee and must be on record with the NHSA Secretary.
5.1 The Membership of the NHSA and the members of the NHSA shall be open to any soccer players,
coaches, trainers, managers, administrators, life members and officials not subject to suspension under
Section 4 of Bylaw 241 of the USSF and to any amateur soccer organization in its territory.
5.2 Membership in NHSA shall be individuals, leagues, clubs and facilities that pay the appropriate
registration fees and meet the requirements as defined in the Bylaws.
5.3 NHSA shall not issue capital stock or membership certificates.
6.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in a location in the state as decided by
the Executive Board
6.2 The Annual Meeting of NHSA’s membership shall be held not later than April 30th. Written
notification to all affiliated voting members shall be made at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting.
The members of NHSA will be provided with an agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the previous
Annual General Meeting at least 15 days in advance of the meeting. At this meeting a summary of the
activities of the Association, all actions and policies adopted by the Executive Board and a Treasurer’s
report shall be reported to the membership.
6.3 Unless temporarily modified by action of the members, the order of business for Annual General
Meetings shall be:
1. Roll Call
2. Minutes of previous meeting
3. Treasurer’s report
4. Unfinished business and communications
5. Reports of committees
6. New business and communications
7 Good of soccer
8. Election of officers
9. Date of next meeting
10. Adjournment
6.4 The number of votes leagues are entitled to shall be based on paid up league registration during the most
recently completed seasonal year. Votes between Youth Recreational/Indoor and Youth
Competitive/Adult will be
balanced. The number of players per vote in Youth Recreational/Indoor will be adjusted yearly to
match the number of votes per Youth Competitive/Adult teams based on total numbers from the end of
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the seasonal year. This is to ensure as equal a vote between Youth Recreation and Youth Competitive as
The suspense date for notification by any member of voting strength change will be 20
days prior to the Annual General Meeting. The suspense date will be published at the time
of voting strength notification. No challenge in voting strength will be accepted after said
published suspense date.
Hypothetical Example: If the following paid registrations were counted for the seasonal year ending
August 31 1997:
YouthComp. 414 teams Youth Recreation 19,516 registered players
Adult 26 teams Indoor Facilities 10,000 registered players
Total 440 teams Total 29,516 registered players
Youth Competitive/Adult would have 440 votes. The Club President of Club X with 15 teams would
have 15 of those votes. The Club President of Club Y with 8 teams would have 8 of those votes etc.
Each Adult team would have one vote.
Votes for Youth Recreation/Indoor would be calculated by dividing the number of registered players
in those Divisions by the number of teams in the Youth Competitive and Adult Divisions combined
i.e. 29,516/440. This equals 67.08 registered players per vote, which would be rounded down to 67.
The League President of League A with 547 players would have 505/67 or 7.53 votes, which would be
rounded up to 8. The League President of League B with 480 players would have 480/67 or 7.16
votes, which would be rounded down to 7. The Director of Indoor Facility Z with 2,504 players
would have 2,504/67 or 37.37 votes, which would be rounded down to 37.
For the purposes of figuring recreational league or Indoor Facility votes the decimals will be rounded
up or down to the nearest whole number. The total allocation must equal the total competitive vote.
These calculations will be completed by February 1st of each calendar year for the previous seasonal
year and all affiliated teams, clubs and leagues will be notified of the number of votes.
Votes will be based on the above calculations and the following criteria:
a. All league, club, facility and team registrations for the most recently completed seasonal year
must be paid in order to vote.
b. Only members in good standing can vote.
c. The members of the Executive Board shall be entitled to One (1) vote each.
d. Each Youth Competitive Club has one (1) vote per U-19 team and below.
e. Each Adult team has one vote per team
f. Youth Recreational leagues and Indoor Facilities have one (1) vote per number of registered
players as calculated yearly according to the above criteria. They have a minimum of one (1)
g. Proxy votes, where an individual gives another the power to exercise his/her vote, will be
allowed, provided the proxy is in writing and signed by an authorized representative of a
Youth Competitive Club, Adult Team, Youth Recreational League, Indoor Facility, or Futsal
League and on file with the Secretary before the opening of the Annual General Meeting. No
proxy votes will be accepted from the floor during the Annual General Meeting. An
authorized representative is a Youth Recreational League/Indoor Facility member, a registered
Youth Competitive Club representative or an Adult Team representative.
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h. A Credentials Committee comprised of the Past President, State Secretary the State
Registrar and a representative from Youth Competitive (Club or League President),
Youth Recreation (Club or League President), Indoor (Facility or League President) and Adult
(Club or League President) will be identified by the NHSA Executive Board 15 days before
the AGM and announced to the membership (with the Agenda and minutes from the previous
AGM). The Credentials Committee is charged with determining the validity of all proxies;
distribution of appropriate voting materials, and arbitration of any and all disputed voting
issues, in accordance with NHSA Bylaws. All decisions by the Committee require a 2/3 vote
of the Committee, are final and not subject to review.
Twenty (20) minutes prior to the announced start of the AGM the Committee will close voting
registration and adjourn to caucus. The Committee will determine the total voting strength
represented in person or by proxy at the AGM by division (Youth Competitive, Youth
Recreation, etc.). Votes not actually (physically) represented in person or by proxy will not be
The Committee will then adjust each vote allocation for Youth Recreation/Indoor and Youth
Competitive/Adult to ensure as equal a vote between Youth Recreation/Indoor and Youth
Competitive/Adult as possible by ‘weighting’ the votes and announcing the proportion to the
members at the AGM. The weighted votes will be used in all subsequent voting during that
Example: Total number of registered votes 20 minutes before AGM starts and votes are closed
is 800. Total number of votes present or by proxy for Competitive/Adult is 200. Total number
of votes present or by proxy for Recreation/Indoor is 600. When the Committee meets in
caucus, they determine that each Youth Competitive vote is then weighted making each one
(1) Youth Competitive/Adult vote equal to three (3) Youth Recreation/Indoor votes. Each
Recreation/Indoor vote is still one (1) vote. Thus the total number of votes present at the AGM
is now 1200: 600 are Youth Recreation/Indoor, 600 are Youth Competitive/Adult.
i. Any newly registered club, or league not previously registered during the most recently
completed seasonal year, will be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting, under section
6.4 of Article VI, as long as they are paid up members in good standing, 45 days in advance of
the Annual General Meeting.
6.5 Except for amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws, a majority of eligible vote’s cast shall decide
an issue.
7.1 Amendments to the Articles of Agreement and Bylaws shall be made only at the Annual General Meeting of this Association
7.2 Each affiliated member may propose changes to NHSA’s Articles of Agreement and Bylaws. These changes must be submitted in writing, in a way that guarantee’s proof of receipt, to the NHSA office in care of the Secretary no later than 60 days prior to the AGM and must be circulated to voting members no later than 30 days prior to voting.
7.3 These Articles of Agreement and Bylaws may be amended or repealed by an affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by voting members present, represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting or as previously described in 6.4h
In the event that NHSA dissolves or becomes defunct all assets remaining after payment of debts and obligations shall be evenly distributed to remaining affiliated Youth Recreational Leagues, Youth Competitive Clubs, Adult Teams, Futsal Teams, and Indoor Facilities that have established their tax exempt status under section 501 (c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.
Updated: 04/10/2024 (CM)
NH Soccer Association
a. The officers of this Association shall be the President, Executive Vice President, Vice
President of the Youth Recreational Division, Vice President of the Youth Competitive
Division, Vice President of the Adult Division, Vice President of the Indoor Division,
Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall constitute the elected members of the Executive
Board. The other member of the Executive Board will be the Immediate Past-President.
b. The Past-President shall have the right to vote.
c. No Executive Board member may be an officer of an organization affiliated with this
Association. The exceptions shall be the Immediate Past-President and Life Members.
d. No elected Executive Board member shall serve simultaneously in two elected positions and
may not be appointed to fill the vacancy of an elected position.
The Executive Board shall transact the business of the Association.
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a. The Executive Board shall have the authority for the following:
1. To enforce the laws of the game
2. To enforce and interpret NHSA’s Articles of Agreement, Bylaws and Rules.
3. To make decisions on matters not covered by the Constitution, Bylaws or rules.
4. To fill any vacancy among its officers during the season, with the exception of the
position of the President whom, if unable to perform his/her duties, the Executive
Vice President shall succeed until the next election or the President is able to resume
his/her duties.
5. To settle all disputes, protests, or appeals from decisions of affiliated organizations.
6. To represent this Association on all matters and to conduct all necessary business of
the Association.
7. To add such rules and regulations, which serve to improve the administrative
efficiency of this Association.
8. To add rules and regulations, which effect more than one Division within this
9. To incur liabilities on behalf of the Association.
10. To be bonded. Bonding to be paid for by the Association and on file with the
a. The Executive Board shall have the responsibility for the following:
1. No member shall represent the Association without authority from the Executive
Board. Such authority shall be issued in writing from the office of the Secretary.
2. To make copies of the NHSA Articles of Agreement, Bylaws and other governing
documents available to its members.
3. To maintain a database of association members.
4. To register all its players, coaches, teams, referees and administrators with the USSF.
5. To pay all dues and fees of the USSF, USYSA, USASA, and USFF in a timely
6. To provide to the Secretary General of the Federation an annual report on the
activities of the NHSA and most current annual financial statements within 90 days
after the start of the USSF seasonal year.
7. Provide annually to USSF copies of the NHSA Articles of Agreement, bylaws and
other governing documents and submit changes to those documents to USSF for
approval no later than 90 days after adoption.
8. Adopt policies prohibiting sexual and physical abuse, which meet the criteria of USSF
and New Hampshire State law.
9. To allow USSF to review the documents and procedures of the NHSA, on request of
USSF not less than once every four years to determine compliance with USSF Bylaws
a. Location
An Executive Board Meeting shall be held on the first Wednesday of every month at a general
location to be determined.
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The meetings of the Executive Board, Committees, and special meetings of the Association or
its divisions shall be held in a location that is central to the expected attendees as decided by
the Executive Board.
b. Voting
1. At all meetings of the Executive Board, one-half (1/2) of the eligible votes shall
constitute a quorum.
2. The normal method for reaching decisions to accept or reject motions within
Association meetings shall be by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
3. The President shall cast the deciding ballot for ties.
4. The Division Vice Presidents shall NOT be entitled to vote with the Executive Board
on Association issues concerning a Division for which they are not representatives.
They vote on all matters concerning the Association as a whole.
c. Special Meetings
Special Meetings of the Association shall be called by the President, upon written request of
three (3) members of the Executive Board or upon written request of one-third (1/3) of the
member clubs, leagues, facilities or teams giving detailed reasons for such a meeting.
a. The officers of the Association, except the Immediate Past President shall be elected at the
Annual General Meeting for a term of two years.
b. The President, Vice President Youth Competitive, Vice President Adult, and Treasurer shall
be elected in odd numbered years. The Executive Vice President, Vice President
Youth Recreation, Vice President Indoor and Secretary shall be elected in even numbered
c. All voting members can vote for President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer, and
Secretary. The numbers of votes for voting members shall be determined as described in
Article VI Section 4 of The Articles of Agreement.
d. Only Youth Competitive clubs and the Executive Board can vote for the Vice President of
Youth Competitive.
e. Only Youth Recreational Leagues and the Executive Board can vote for the Vice President of
Youth Recreation.
f. Only Adult Teams and the Executive Board can vote for the Vice President of Adult.
g. Only Indoor Facilities, Futsal league presidents, Club presidents, teams, and the Executive
Board can vote for Vice President of Indoor
h. They shall be voted for separately by ballot and shall receive the majority of votes cast to be
elected. The exception shall be when by the majority vote of those present the rules are
suspended and the Secretary casts one vote.
i. Thirty (30) days prior to each Annual General Meeting the Secretary will inform the Youth
Recreational Leagues, Youth Competitive Clubs and Leagues, Indoor Facilities, and Futsal
clubs of the number of votes each will be entitled to at the AGM and will inform Adult Teams
of their right to vote.
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The President shall do the following:
– oversee and direct all activities of NHSA
– supervise the State Administrator and oversee State Referee Administrators
– preside at all meetings
– appoint all committees and positions in the Association not required to be elected
with approval by a majority vote of the Executive Board
– cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie vote
– represent this Association in all matters that require state representation
– serve ex-officio on all committees
– submit an annual report to this Association at the Annual Meeting
b. Executive Vice President
The Executive Vice President shall do the following:
– exercise all the powers of the President in his/her absence
– Assist President in his/her duties
– supervise the State Registrar in the registration of all players, coaches, teams,
administrators managers and trainers
serve as Executive Board representative for the State Coach and Director of Coaching
– chair the boys and girls ODP Committee
– succeed to the position of president, who, if unable to perform the duties of president
or resigns, has vacated that position for the remainder of the term
c. Vice President of Youth Recreation
The Vice President of Youth Recreation is responsible for the following:
– promote the interests of recreational soccer within the Association
– act as coordinator in the assignment and conduct of Youth Recreation Division
– chair the Youth Recreation Rules and Regulation Committee
– coordinate the management of players with the Executive Vice President and State
– organize the American Cup Tournament, U10 Festival
d. Vice President of Youth Competitive
The Vice President of Youth Competitive is responsible for the following:
– promote the interests of competitive soccer within the Association
– act as coordinator in the assignment and conduct of activities of the Youth
Competitive Division
– chair the Youth Competitive Rules and Regulations Committee
– organize the Fall State Tournament
– coordinate the management and release of players with the Executive Vice President
and State Registrar
– organize the Youth State Cup Tournament
– organize the NHSA Youth Presidents Cup tournament
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e. Vice President of Adult
The Vice President of Adult is responsible for the following:
– promote the interests of Adult soccer within the Association
– act as coordinator in the assignment and conduct of activities of the Adult Division
– chair the Adult Rules and Regulations Committee
– organize the Select Teams
– coordinate the management and release of players with the Executive Vice President
and State Registrar
– organize the State Adult Tournament
f. Vice President of Indoor
The Vice President of Indoor is responsible for the following:
– promote the interests of Indoor and Futsal soccer within the Association
– act as coordinator in the assignment and conduct of activities in the Indoor and Futsal
– chair the Indoor and Futsal Rules and Regulations Committees
– organize the Indoor and Futsal State Tournaments
– coordinate the management of players with the Executive Vice President and State
– promote and administer Futsal
g. Secretary
The Secretary shall do the following:
– record and maintain records of all business transactions of the Association.
– attend to the Association correspondence.
– keep records of the Association, including minutes of meetings.
– maintain inventory of all properties of the Association.
– prepare the annual report
– receive proposed changes to the Articles of Agreement and Bylaws and arrange for
distribution to members
All communications pertaining to Association business, except business concerning the
registration or release of players, financial business and committee business must be
transacted through the office of the Secretary.
h. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall do the following:
– be in charge of all monies of the Association;
– keep an accurate, timely detailed and verifiable account of income and
expenditures for the Association
– keep separate records for each division and program
– disburse funds for authorized purposes in accordance with authorized
– prepare and submit an annual budget for approval by the voting
membership at the AGM
– complete a yearly audit and submit a formal report to the membership at
the AGM
– submit a statement of financial condition at regular and Executive Board
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– report value of all association owned inventories
– prepare and submit any and all papers required to meet government, (local, state, and
federal), laws and regulations including those related to NHSA’s Articles of
Incorporation and Tax Exempt Status
– arrange for yearly bonding of Executive Board members
i. The duties and powers of all elected officers shall cease at the end of the Annual General
Meeting of the second year of their two-year term or upon their resignation or removal from
j. The duties and powers of all appointed positions shall cease after they have made their annual
reports to the Annual General Meeting. The new officers have the duty to fill appointed
positions in a meeting following the Annual General Meeting.
k No elected Executive Board members shall serve simultaneously in two elected positions and
may not be appointed to fill the vacancy of an elected position.
a. Members of the Executive Board may be removed from office for failure to perform assigned
b. Any officer absent from two (2) consecutive meetings or four (4) meetings in a year without
cause shall be considered unable to fill the duties of his/her office.
c. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Executive Board shall be required to remove the elected
member from their position.
The President shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, replacements to fill
vacancies on the Executive Board arising from removal, resignation or departure of the incumbent for
any other reason. Upon approval by the NHSA Executive Board, the appointee shall fill the remainder
of the term with full voting rights.
As required per NH RSA 7:19II
a. Each Director, prior to taking his position on the Board, and all present Directors shall
submit in writing to the Chairman of the Board a list of all businesses or other
organizations of which he is an officer, director, trustee, member, owner (either as a sole
proprietor or partner), shareholder, employee or agent, with which the Corporation has, or
might reasonably in the future enter into, a relationship or a transaction in which the
Director would have conflicting interests. The Chairman of the Board shall become
familiar with the statements of all Directors in order to guide his conduct should a
conflict arise.
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b. At such time as any matter comes before the Board in such a way as to give rise to a
conflict of interest, the affected Director shall make known the potential conflict, whether
disclosed by his written statement or not, and after answering any questions that might be
asked him, shall withdraw from the meeting for so long as the matter shall continue under
discussion. Should the matter be brought to a vote, neither the affected Director nor any
other Director with a pecuniary benefit transaction with the Corporation shall vote on it.
c. The Board will comply with all the requirements of New Hampshire law where conflicts
of interest are involved, including but not limited to the requirements of a two-thirds vote
where the financial benefit to the director or trustee is between $500 and $5,000 in a
fiscal year, and to the requirement of a two-thirds vote and publication in the required
newspaper where the financial benefit exceeds $5,000 in a fiscal year. The New
Hampshire statutory requirements are incorporated into and made a part of this conflict
3.1.1 Types of Programs
The New Hampshire Soccer Association shall administer the following programs:
– Referee Program
– Coaching Program
– Olympic Development Program
– Adult Select Program
– State Registrar
When a program is largely focused to the activities of one division, it shall be the practice to
have that division administer the program.
3.1.2 Administration of Programs
Administrators appointed by the President and approved by a majority vote of the Executive
Board shall direct the Association’s programs.
The responsibility of a program administrator will be to define, document, and have approved
by the Executive Board the details of his/her program. The responsibilities of the administrator
are defined by the Executive Board and are required to be included in the program details.
No program shall be in conflict with rules and policy set forth by the Association or any
national body with which the Association is affiliated.
Program administrators may propose rules and regulations to the Executive Board or
appropriate Rules and Regulation Committee but does not have the authority to make or
change rules.
3.2.1 Standing Committees
Standing committees shall be established by the President where necessary to meet the
commitments of the Association. At a minimum they shall include: a) Player Application and
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Registration Committee; b) Rules and Regulations Committees; c) Protests and Appeals
Committee; d) Emergency Committee; e) Nominating Committee
a. Player Application and Registration Committee
The President shall appoint a State Registrar who will administer the process for
registration and release of players.
The State Registrar will chair a committee consisting of the State Secretary and
League Registrars to communicate and make the process of player and team
registrations responsive to division schedules. This committee does not have to
physically meet as a body if its functions can be accomplished without it. The
Secretary will be responsible for maintenance of an Association database of
members and mailing lists.;
b. Rules and Regulations Committee
1. Youth Recreation Rules and Regulation Committee
The Vice President of Youth Recreation and at least 10% of the affiliated
league presidents or their representatives will comprise the Youth Recreation
Rules and Regulations Committee. This committee will make every attempt
to receive input from league presidents prior to making changes in rules. A
majority vote of committee members is needed to make or change rules.
2. Youth Competitive Rules and Regulation Committee
The Vice President of Youth Competitive, Youth Competitive League
Presidents, or their designated representatives, and two (2) Club Presidents or
team representatives from within each League, at least one of whom shall
represent boys’ teams and one of whom shall represent girls’ teams, will
comprise the Youth Competitive Rules and Regulation Committee.
Each league in a manner that insures that one represents boy’s teams and the
other represents girl’s teams shall select the two (2) Club Presidents or team
representatives from within each league.
The Committee will give notice to and receive input from Competitive Club
and League Presidents, and other impacted individuals or
organizations, when proposing rule changes. The VP Youth Competitive will
convene and chair the Committee, and shall vote only the in the case of a
tie. A majority vote of Committee members is needed to propose or
initiate changes. All such proposals, whether new or changes to current
rules, will be forwarded by the VP Competitive to the Executive Board of
NHSA for review at the next scheduled NHSA monthly meeting following
the date of the Committee’s meeting.
The Youth Competitive Rules and Regulations Committee will meet, at
minimum, quarterly, based on the identified NHSA seasonal year.
3. Adult Rules and Regulation Committee
The Vice President of the Adult Division, the President of each Adult League
and a representative from each Division participating in the Leagues will
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comprise the Adult Rules and Regulation Committee. A majority vote of
committee members is needed to make or change rules.
4. Indoor Rules and Regulation Committee
The Vice President of the Indoor Division and a representative from each
affiliated facility will comprise the Indoor Division Rules and Regulation
Committee. Agreement by a majority of members is needed to make or
change rules.
5 Futsal Rules and Regulations Committee
The Vice President of Indoor and a minimum of five Futsal Club Presidents or
Recreation League Presidents will comprise the Futsal Rules and Regulations
Committee. This committee will give notice to and receive input from Futsal
members (coaches, clubs, leagues), when proposing rule changes. A majority
vote of committee members is needed to make or change rules.
6. The Executive Board has the authority to overturn a Rules and
Regulations Committees’ proposal after review for compliance to
NHSA, USYS, USASA, USFF and USSF guidelines. The Executive
Board has the authority to overturn a Rules and Regulations Committee
proposal if in their view such a proposal is contrary to the spirit of the
game or best practices of the sport of soccer in New Hampshire, such a
decision requires a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Board.
c. Protests and Appeals Committee
The President, with approval by a majority vote of the Executive Board shall appoint
from among members of the Association a Protests and Appeals Committee
comprising four members and a chairman.
The Committee shall hear and decide on protests, appeals, and allegations of
misconduct. The Committee members shall have no conflict of interest in the matters
being heard, and have no association with the principal parties in the matters. No
person shall adjudicate a matter at more than one level.
Appeals must follow USSF, USYSA, and USASA rules.
d. Emergency Committee
Any two of the following officers in the order of preference shown shall constitute the
Emergency Committee to represent the Executive Board on matters demanding
immediate attention when it is impractical or impossible to call a full Executive Board
meeting or no other standing committee has been designated. The presiding officer of
the Association must chair the committee
Preference Officer
First President
Second Executive Vice President
Third Vice President of Division with Most Members
Fourth Vice President of Other Divisions
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Fifth Secretary
Sixth Treasurer
For matters involving a specific division, that division’s Vice President shall represent
the division as a member of the Emergency Committee member, otherwise the order
of preference for Vice Presidents will determine the appropriate Committee member.
Their actions shall be subject to the approval of the full Executive Board within 14
days of the decision, which, if withheld, shall invalidate their actions insofar as they
were executed. If time expires without full Executive Board approval the decision
shall be invalid.
e. Nominating Committee
The President prior to September 30th shall appoint a nominating committee made up
of five (5) members of the General Membership and chaired by the Immediate Past
The nominating committee shall meet with the Executive Board not less than 60 days
prior to the AGM to present a list of eligible candidates for the officers of the
Information about each candidate shall be distributed to the General Membership not
less than 30 days prior to the AGM.
f. Special Committees
The President may establish ad hoc committees with the approval of the Executive
Board to accomplish a special purpose. The membership and structure of these
committees will be determined at the time they are formed.
Affiliated Youth Competitive Leagues and Clubs, Youth Recreational Leagues, Indoor
Facilities and Adult Leagues shall abide by the Articles of Agreement, Bylaws and Rules of
NHSA and shall always act in a manner consistent with the interests of NHSA. Their
Constitutions, Articles of Agreement, Bylaws and Rules shall be consistent with those of
NHSA and USSF and where appropriate USYSA, USASA, and Futsal.
a. A league, club, or indoor facility desiring to become an affiliated member of NHSA may
submit a written application to the State Association office. The applicant shall specify the
category of affiliation being applied for. The applicant shall include with the application
copies of its charter or articles of incorporation, constitution, articles of agreement, bylaws,
rules, regulations, rules of play and other governing documents appropriate to understanding
the structure and activities of the organization. The Secretary shall prescribe the number of
copies of each document to be submitted.
b. The Division Vice President shall refer an application for affiliation to the Executive Board
for consideration. Such affiliation is contingent on compliance with the Constitution, Articles
of Agreement, Bylaws and Rules of NHSA, USSF, USYSA, USASA, and USFF and
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determination that the change would be beneficial to the game of soccer within the state.
4.3 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP, except for officers of the Association, shall be for the seasonal year.
Membership in this Association shall be in the following categories:
a. Affiliated Members
Adult Teams
Adult Leagues
Youth Competitive Clubs
Youth Competitive Leagues
Indoor Facilities
Youth Recreational Leagues
Futsal Teams
Futsal Clubs
Futsal Leagues
b. General Individual Membership
Players and Coaching Staff
League and Club Administrators
Association and Program Administrators
Life Members
Honorary Members
Referees, Assessors and Instructors
c. Soccer Enthusiasts
d. Partnership – open to public entities such as Parks & Recreation Departments,
Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCAs, YWCAs, etc.
a. Affiliated Members
Once accepted for membership an Adult Soccer Organization, Youth Competitive
League, Youth Competitive Club, Youth Recreational League or Indoor Facility will
be considered a member of the Association when the appropriate affiliation fees have
been paid to the Association and a Roster of League or Club Administrators has been
received by the Secretary
b. General Members
1. Players and Coaching Staff
Players and active coaching Staff, to include team trainers and team managers will be
considered members of the Association when the Association has received Team
Rosters, Player Applications, and appropriate fees. The registration date shall be the
postmark date when the application has been received. Applications for team
membership must be accompanied by the annual dues, which shall be returned if not
admitted to membership.
2. League and Club Administrators
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League and Club Administrators will be considered members of the Association when
the League Affiliation fees have been paid to the Association and a Roster of League
or Club Administrators has been received by the Secretary.
Every member league and club is required to notify the Secretary of changes to its
Administrators. Every member league and club is required to provide the Secretary
with any changes to their Constitution and Bylaws.
3. Association Officers and Program Administrators
Association Officers and Program Administrators will be considered members of this
Association upon election or appointments as outlined in these Bylaws.
4. Life Members
Life Memberships may be awarded to those persons who are or have been active
members of this Association and have distinguished themselves in the interests of
soccer. Membership shall be approved by a majority of the Executive Board. They
shall have full benefits and shall enjoy all rights and privileges of Executive Board
members, including the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting. They shall not
pay dues. Current elected officers of the Executive Board cannot vote themselves
Life Memberships.
5. Referees, Assessors and Instructors
Referees, Assessors and Instructors will be considered members of the Association
when they have fulfilled the required application and fee requirements for the USSF
registration within New Hampshire.
6. Honorary Membership
Honorary members shall be those individuals who the Executive Board of NHSA
wishes to recognize for their contributions to the game of soccer. Insurance benefits
are not included in this membership category.
c. Soccer Enthusiast
Any person interested in contributing to the development of soccer in New Hampshire and
interested in the activities of the NHSA may be awarded membership upon payment of a
soccer enthusiast membership fee. Insurance benefits are not included in this membership
d. Partnership
Any public entity such as a Parks & Recreation Department, Boys & Girls Club, YMCA,
YWCA, etc. who for a nominal fee maintains a partnership with NHSA for mutual
communications and limited activities to be agreed upon between the partners. Partnerships
foster recognition of NHSA and develop relationships with the community. Partnerships may
lead to future full memberships. Liability coverage is not included in this membership
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a. General Membership
Membership in this Association shall entitle players, coaches, officials, league administrators, club
administrators, association administrators, program administrators and life members to the following:
1. NHSA Newsletter
2 Insurance programs
3 Access to NHSA programs
4. A reduced fee at NHSA sponsored classes/clinics
Membership in this Association shall entitle soccer enthusiasts and honorary members to the
1. NHSA Newsletter
2. Access to NHSA programs
3. A reduced fee at NHSA sponsored classes/clinics
b. Voting Membership
The following general and affiliated members shall have voting privileges. Association
Officers, Lifetime Members, Adult team coaches, competitive club presidents, competitive
league presidents indoor facility owners/directors, recreation league presidents, Futsal club
presidents, and Futsal league presidents shall be considered voting member.
The fee for membership in this Association shall be determined by the Executive Board six months
prior to the start of each fall season and shall be sufficient to cover those expenses necessary for the
operating of this Association.
The annual budget, which is the basis for established member rates, will be presented annually to the
Executive Board at this time for approval.
Membership fees will be assessed on the basis of:
A. League Affiliation Fee
B. Team and or registration Fee for Youth Competitive Leagues
C. Registration Fee for each individual player for Youth Recreational Leagues
D. Registration Fee for each individual player for Select Team candidates and special
E. Referee, Assessor and Instructor registration fees as defined by the USSF
F. Indoor Facility affiliation fee
G. Indoor player fee
H. Soccer Enthusiast membership fee
I. Team registration fee for Futsal
J. Registration fee for each individual player fee Futsal League
K. Club application fee
L. Partnership fee
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Any member may be determined to be in bad standing for good cause and by a two-thirds (2/3)
majority vote of the Executive Board. Good cause shall be defined as the following:
a. failure to pay registration fees
b. failure to pay fees or fines assessed against the member for conduct
c. serious violations of NHSA Articles of Agreement, Bylaws, Rules or Coaches
code of conduct
d. failure to provide appropriate paperwork as required by Article IV, Section
A member in bad standing may not receive any of the benefits of membership.
A member in bad standing may go through a hearing to determine if they will be suspended or
Any suspension or expulsion shall be subject to appeal as outlined in these Bylaws.
The headquarters of this Association shall be the location of the President of the Association.
The President’s address shall be the address at which the business of the corporation is carried on.
Unless the Association has a full time office space, then that office shall be designated as the
headquarters of the Association.
The seasonal year of this Association shall begin on September 1st and end on August 31st of the
following year.
The Fiscal Year of the Association shall begin on September 1st and end on August 31st of the
following year.
The NHSA shall maintain its tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code.
No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its
members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except as identified under Article VIII of the
Articles of Agreement and as necessary to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to
make distributions and payments in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article I of the Articles of
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All checks issued by the Association must have a minimum of two signatures regardless of the
amount. Only the President, Executive Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Division Directors
will be authorized to sign checks for the Association.
If the occasion arises where it is necessary to delegate limited power to incur non-budgeted liabilities
to accomplish the functions and goals of a division, committee, or program then the person given those
powers shall have the specific conditions and extent of their ability to incur liability defined in a letter
approved by the Executive Board. Without this approval on record with the Secretary, the Association
can exercise its option to NOT reimburse said persons for their expenditures.
No NHSA Officer may incur non-budgeted liabilities without written approval of the Executive Board.
Protests are usually related to a specific game or administrative action, and are filed by one of
the involved team officials. Only those teams involved are permitted to protest a game result.
Protests, on a specific game, cannot be filed by third parties, such as coaches from other teams
or league/state administrators.
Protests submitted to a competition authority (league, tournament, etc.) must be filed in
accordance with the protest procedure and rules of that competition. The protest must be based
upon violation of the published rules of the competition or NHSA Rules and Regulations, or
FIFA Laws of the Game.
The rights of protest and appeal within the rules of the competition must be exhausted before
proceeding to the next level of authority defined herein.
Appeals arise as the result of an adverse decision from a protest hearing, administrative action,
disciplinary hearing, or lower-level appeal. All grievances involving the right to participate
and compete in activities sponsored by the Federation, the State Association, and its members,
may be appealed to the Federation’s Appeals Committee that have final jurisdiction to
approve, modify or reverse a decision. Only those parties to the original action, who are
impacted by such decision, shall be allowed to appeal. An appeal shall not have the effect of
“staying” a previous ruling. Previous decisions remain in force, pending the result of the
Disciplinary hearings result from allegations of misconduct.
Such misconduct must be a violation of a published rule, regulation, or procedure.
A disciplinary committee shall only hear allegations of misconduct that are lodged against
individuals or entities within the jurisdiction of the convening authority.
Only the elected and/or appointed officials of duly constituted clubs, leagues, tournament
committees, or NHSA administration may bring charges of misconduct. Referees are
recognized as officials of such organizations in matters regarding game misconduct.
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A “grievance” is a complaint of a general nature, which is not based on specific rule
violations, or upon a specific administrative decision (or lack of decision). General grievances
are not handled through protest, appeal, or disciplinary hearing processes.
Grievances may be heard on an informal basis by the appropriate competition authority and/or
the NHSA Executive Board.
The lines of jurisdiction, in ascending order shall be:
LEVEL 1 – Clubs, Leagues, and Tournament Committees shall hear original protest,
appeals, or allegations of misconduct filed by persons, clubs, leagues, or tournaments
under their jurisdiction. This is the first level of appeal and matters should not be
raised to the next level unless appeals and protests at the first level are exhausted.
LEVEL 2 – The Protests and Appeals Committee shall hear original protest arising from
games administered by NHSA, allegations of misconduct arising from games
administered by NHSA and appeals filed by persons, clubs, leagues, or tournaments
under their jurisdiction. Matters arising from game protests will not be heard at Level
2 until Level I protest and appeals procedures have been exhausted.
In the case of an appeal, NO REHEARING IS POSSIBLE. Only an appeal hearing,
and a review of written evidence and testimony and lower level decisions, will be
conducted at this level.
LEVEL 3 – The USSF Appeals Board will hear all appeals of Level 2 decisions. All such
appeals must be filed in accordance with USYS rule 4020.
a. No Level 1 Authority shall hear or adjudicate an allegation of an assault on a referee or
assistant referee. An allegation of assault on a referee or assistant referee shall be immediately
submitted to the Level 2 NHSA Protests and Appeals Committee.
b The hearing and adjudication of any protest or allegation of misconduct shall be completed
within thirty (30) days of the filing of the cause of action. If a decision is not reached within
this thirty (30) day period, the matter may be submitted to the next higher level without
determination, and the fee submitted will be applied at the next level.
c. At all levels of the appeal process, if a decision is not reached within thirty (30) days of
receipt of the written appeal, the party filing the appeal may submit the appeal to the next
higher level without determination, and the appeal fee submitted will be applied at the next
d. The decision and/or disciplinary sanctions imposed as the result of a hearing of any protest,
appeal, or allegation of misconduct, shall be binding at all levels, and shall be recognized by
affiliated organizations (leagues, tournaments, etc.). The filing of an appeal shall not “stay” the
execution of such decisions and/or disciplinary sanctions.
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a. All Level 1 authorities must establish well-defined protest, appeal, and disciplinary hearing
procedures within their own earnestness. Such procedures shall be published to their
membership prior to the start of each competition season or sub-season and shall include
notification of the right to appeal and the procedures for doing do.
A protest, appeal, or allegation of misconduct must be filed in writing, and should
include the following:
1. The nature and specifics of that complaint.
2. A listing of the rules or procedures that have been violated.
3. A statement of the desired resolution.
4. The appropriate filing fee.
Failure to include each of these items may cause the protest, appeal or allegation of
misconduct to be rejected. An incomplete protest, appeal or allegation of misconduct that is
rejected, may cause the subsequent proper filing to be untimely.
b. Filing shall be as follows:
The original document of the protest, appeal, or allegation of misconduct, along with all
supporting documents shall be forwarded by Registered U.S. Mail, or Certified U.S. MailReturn Receipt Requested.
In the case of appeal, the appeal must be placed in the Registered or Certified U.S. Mail
within forty-eight (48) hours of the receipt by the appellant of the prior adverse ruling
(Sundays and holidays excluded, unless the rules of the competition state otherwise.)
LEVEL 1 – As defined by the Level I Authority
LEVEL 2 – To the NH Association President; one (1) copy.
LEVEL 3 – To the NH Association President; six (6) copies.
Additionally, in an appeal of a lower-level decision, one (1) copy shall be sent to the
Chairman of the lower-level hearing board. This copy shall serve as notice of the filing of
an appeal. Upon such notice, the Chairman of the lower-level hearing shall submit all retained
evidence and documentation to the next-higher level. This submittal shall also be by
Registered or Certified U.S. Mail.
Filing fees shall be:
Level 1 – As established by the appropriate Level 1 Authority
Level 2 – $50.00 (Money Order or Cashier’s Check)
Level 3 – As established by the USSF
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Upon filing of a protest, appeal, or allegation of misconduct, the receiving authority shall institute the
following procedures:
a. Conduct a “validation/review” of the following:
1. Is the request for action timely?
2 Identifying the principal parties involved and determine if NHSA has jurisdiction
3 Determining if they are in good standing.
4 In the case of a protest, determining the protester’s right to lodge a protest.
5 In the case of an appeal, determining if the appeal is directly related and germane to
the decision of the next-lower authority. (If not, the appeal must be rejected and
6 Determining if all the information necessary to adjudicate the matter and reach a
decision is included. (Such information may include names, addresses, phone
numbers, minutes of previous hearings, applicable rules, referees game reports, etc.)
7 Determining whether the matter has been filed with the proper authority.
8 Determining that specific charges are made, the rules allegedly violated are cited, and
the desired resolution has been stated.
b. Upon completion of the “validation/review”, if all the information and documentation
necessary to reach a decision are available, the principal parties are to be IMMEDIATELY
notified of receipt of protest, appeal or allegation of misconduct.
c. This notification shall also include the date, time, and place of the hearing. If notification of
the receipt of the protest, appeal or allegation of misconduct and of the date, time and place of
the hearing cannot be accomplished at the same time, two (2) separate notifications will be
1. The notification of the receipt of a protest, appeal, or allegation of
misconduct, and of the date, time, and place of a hearing, shall be communicated to
the principal parties at the same time and by the same method.
2. The notification can be by telephone or in person, but must have written follow-up
sent by Registered or Certified U.S. Mail.
3. Notifications shall contain the following:
a. A condensed restatement of the cause of action.
b. The date, time, and place of the hearing.
c. The type of hearing to be held.
d. What limits or restrictions (if any) will be imposed on testimony.
e. Whether or not testimony must be in written form, and the date by which
such written testimony must be received.
f. Any other special requirements.
c. A copy of the NHSA and USSF Rules for Protests and Appeals shall accompany the Notification
of Hearing sent to the principle parties.
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The method of holding a hearing may vary due to distance, time, and the level of appeal. There are of
two types of hearing
a. OPEN HEARINGS shall be held with the principal parties, witnesses for both sides,
and all necessary evidence, actually appearing before the members of the hearing
Testimony from witnesses need not be taken in the presence of other witnesses, but the principal
parties shall be present for all proceedings except the deliberations of the Hearing Committee.
Deliberation may occur and decisions may be reached, in either open or closed sessions.
b. CLOSED HEARINGS require that all testimony and evidence (including rules) be
submitted in writing.
Testimony and evidence may be considered by committee members on an individual basis, with a
decision reached by mail or conference call (except for Level 3 hearings when the Board is actually in
The principal parties must submit all evidence, testimony, and arguments in written form, as specified
by the notification.
The original hearing of any protest or allegation of misconduct must occur in open hearing.
Subsequent appeal(s) may be heard in either open or closed hearings.
1. All parties, including witnesses, will be brought into hearing chamber. The following items
will be described by the Chairman:
a. Statement of the case to be heard.
Names of parties involved, (including team, league, etc.)
Event involved
Date of occurrence
Rules numbers and description or rules allegedly violated
b. Procedure for the hearing.
c. How and when the decision will be made.
2. All witnesses will be asked to wait outside the hearing chamber. Plaintiffs and defendants will
be allowed to remain in the hearing chamber. The hearing will commence with statement and
questions as directed by the Chairman.
3. Once all evidence and testimony has been heard the open hearing will be adjourned and
parties not part of the committee, excused. The board will then deliberate.
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1. All evidence, such as identification cards, team rosters, referee’s game reports, etc. and other
sources of written or printed information, shall be original or official only. No copies (e.g.,
photo, xerographic, or other reproductions) shall be acceptable. Proof of age documents shall
conform to the rules of the competition and NHSA Rules.
Notarized documents shall attest only to the validity of the signatures thereon, and shall not
attest to the validity of the information contained in the document.
2. All testimony shall be limited to the principal parties, eyewitnesses, and recognized
authorities on the subject (such as registrar on registration matters).
If a witness cannot appear at an open hearing, written testimony shall be accepted. Notarization may
be required at the option of the hearing authority, but only if such requirement was communicated
in the notification of the hearing.
Character witnesses and other third-party witnesses shall not be allowed.
In the case of open hearings, testimony may be restricted with respect to time.
3. A document directory listing all documentary evidence shall be established at the first
hearing level and maintained throughout the process. The minutes of the proceeding and a
copy of the notification of decisions shall be listed as the final documents for the hearing.
1. The committee hearing a protest, appeal, or allegation of misconduct shall decide each issue
arising from the hearing. The chairman shall vote only when necessary to break a tie.
2. The decisions of the committee, and any disciplinary sanction imposed, shall respond only to
the specific issues and allegations contained in the complaint as filed
Any other issue and/or rule violation, which may become known or apparent during the
hearing, shall be referred to either the convening authority or a lower-level authority, except
for those required to a higher authority by USYSA rules. This referral may be accompanied by
a recommendation for appropriate action. When such matters are referred, notice of the
referral shall be included with the notification of decisions rendered.
3. Decisions shall be reduced to written form and shall be forwarded to the principal parties
within forty-eight (48) hours of the conclusion of the deliberations (Sundays and Holidays
excluded). If a suspension is imposed upon an affiliated player or administrator (or on appeal,
a suspension is overturned), the NHSA President and Secretary shall also receive a copy of the
4. Notification of the decisions shall include a statement of the procedure for appeal. The
statement shall clearly indicate the appropriate Level of Jurisdiction including the identity and
address of the person and/or office to which the appeal must be directed, in accord with the
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Level 1: Appeals shall be directed to Level 2, the NHSA Protests and Appeals
Level 2: Appeals shall be directed to the USSF Appeals Committee
Updated: 04/10/2024 (CM)
The New Hampshire Soccer Association (NHSA) is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization established to promote, educate and advance the game of soccer in New Hampshire.
1600 Candia Road, Suite 3
Manchester, NH 03109
(603) 626-9686
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