NHSA Town Hall Meeting: June 24, 2020

On June 24th, 2020, the New Hampshire Soccer Association hosted a Virtual Town Hall Meeting for their members to discuss the “Return-to-Play Protocols” as well as the future of the New Hampshire State Referee Program, Coaches Education, Olympic Development Program, and the New Hampshire Soccer League.

Below is the recorded Virtual Meeting of the Town Hall Meeting.


  • Rusty Wightman; President, NHSA: State of the State & Return to Play Protocols Outline
  • Jeff Cousineau; State Director of Coaching, State Director of Olympic Development Program: Coaching Education during COVID-19 & ODP plans for the upcoming season
  • John Breda; State Director of Referee Instruction & Assessment: Referee opportunities during COVID-19 & Future Expectations
  • Ryan Joy; League Director, NHSL: State of the League & Plans for re-opening